Four Years After #MeToo in China: Shrinking Digital Space for Change
The Diplomat, September 9, 2022
西藏自治区对僧尼开展“三个意识”思想教育对抗藏人“非暴力不合作运动” (Tibet Autonomous Region launches "Three Consciousness" ideological education for monks, nuns to fight against the Tibetan "non-violent non-cooperation movement")
Weiquanwang, September 13, 2022
9人涉9.29政總外暴動 15歲男生等6人認罪 3人不認罪 (Among 9 people tried for involvement in the September 29, 2019 protest outside gov’t headquarters, 6, including a 15-year-old boy, plead guilty, 3 others deny guilt)
Inmediahk, September 13, 2022
2019年理大衝突時參與油尖旺示威 護士承認暴動罪 (Nurse pleads guilty to rioting for participating in 2019 Tsim Sha Tsui protest in support of students in clash with police at PolyU)
Radio Television Hong Kong, September 13, 2022