“雪饼”失踪将满周年 传煽颠案已移送法院等开庭(Disappeared for nearly a year, rights activists Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing are reported to be facing trial for inciting subversion of state power)
Radio Free Asia, September 15, 2022
吉林长春基督教阳光之家归正教会遭中共当局取缔(Christian church Sunshine Home in Changchun, Jilin Province is banned by CPC authorities)
Weiquanwang, September 16, 2022
Hong Kong activist, paralegal to both face sentencing after Jimmy Lai’s national security trial in December
Hong Kong Free Press, September 16, 2022
Hong Kong’s High Court to hear new evidence in challenge against ruling that police breached Bill of Rights
Hong Kong Free Press, September 16, 2022
記協司法覆核警員拒示編號勝訴 律政司提交新證據上訴 上訴庭受理:涉重大公眾利益(After Journalists Association won in judicial review of police officer's refusal to show ID, court allows DoJ’s appeal to go forward, says: new evidence involves significant public interest)
Inmediahk, September 16, 2022
男子開設頻道轉發煽動帖文 被判囚4個月及罰款2千元(Man is jailed for 4 months and fined HK$2,000 for setting up Telegram channel to forward seditious posts)
Radio Television Hong Kong,, September 15, 2022
男廚師IG發文提光時、港獨認煽動囚5個月 官批內容尖銳不能輕視危機(Chef is sentenced to 5 months in jail after pleading guilty to sedition for Instagram posts that mention Hong Kong independence, “Liberate Hong Kong, revolution of our time” )
Ming Pao, September 16, 2022
【初選47人案】鄒家成監中撰文:我們根本無罪,因此不認罪(Owen Chow, one of the 47 pro-democrats charged under national security law, writes in prison: We are not guilty at all, so we do not plead guilty)
Inmediahk, September 15, 2022