The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Monday, September 26, 2022

Human Rights Defenders & Civil Society (人权捍卫者与公民社会)

湖南株州民主人士陈思明因向外界披露“泼墨女”董瑶琼父亲董建彪惨死狱中而遭被行政拘留15天(Father of Dong Yaoqiong, girl who splashed ink on Xi Jinping's portrait, dies in prison; Hunan democracy activist Chen Siming gets 15 days of administrative detention for disclosing the news)
Weiquanwang, September 26, 2022

“12.13厦门聚会案”当事人张忠顺再次被以“颠覆国家政权”罪名监视居住(Zhang Zhongshun, of the "12.26” citizen case, is again placed under residential surveillance on the charge of "subversion of state power")
Weiquanwang, September 24, 2022

民生观察呼吁国际社会全力营救郭飞雄(Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch urges international community to spare no effort in rescuing Guo Feixiong)
Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch, September 24, 2022

709案核心人物周世锋刑满出狱 声言要为自己翻案(Zhou Shifeng, core figure in “709” case, is released from prison after sentence completion, vows to pursue reversal of the verdict)
Radio Free Asia, September 26, 2022

Hong Kong’s Cardinal Zen goes on trial over fund defending protesters
Agence France-Presse, September 26, 2022

612基金案開審6被告不認罪 控方指基金帶政治目的(6 defendants of 612 Humanitarian Fund case plead not guilty; prosecution accuses the fund of having political purpose)
Radio Television Hong Kong, September 26, 2022

Credibility of mitigation from ex-leader of Hong Kong activist group Student Politicism questioned in national security case
Hong Kong Free Press, September 25, 2022

已解散「賢學思政」四人認串謀煽動顛覆 案件下月再訊(4 former members of disbanded Student Politicism plead guilty to conspiracy to incite subversion; case will be heard again next month)
Radio Television Hong Kong, September 24, 2022

‘Shrinking news industry’: Hong Kong press freedom index sinks to new low as media outlets disappear
Hong Kong Free Press, September 24, 2022

「星火同盟」涉洗黑錢案兩被捕人潛逃 警申充公7000萬元組織資產獲批(2 Spark Alliance arrestees accused of money laundering flee; court approves confiscation of the group’s HK$70million assets)
Ming Pao, September 26, 2022

工程師認於Telegram教自製武器襲警 官批鼓吹無底線襲警判囚42個月(Engineer is sentenced to 42 months in prison after pleading guilty to teaching others to make weapons to attack police on Telegram, criticized by judge for advocating “bottomless” assault on police)
Ming Pao, September 26, 2022