泸定地震后封城,禁止民间救援组织进入震中救灾 (A post-earthquake Luding is in lockdown: Civil society rescue organizations are barred from delivering disaster relief to the epicenter)
NGOCN, September 7, 2022
High (official) crime on the highway: Chen Zijuan’s long journey to a trial of her human rights lawyer husband
NGOCN, September 5, 2022
深圳教会近60名基督徒 离韩赴泰国寻难民庇护 (Nearly 60 Christians from Shenzhen church leave South Korea to seek refugee asylum in Thailand)
Radio Free Asia, September 7, 2022
Hong Kong therapists guilty of sedition over cartoons of sheep and wolves
The Washington Post, September 7, 2022
Head of Hong Kong journalist group Ronson Chan arrested for obstructing police and public disorder
Hong Kong Free Press, September 7, 2022
Sentence all 47 Hong Kong democrats after trial of those who pleaded not guilty out of ‘fairness,’ prosecution says
Hong Kong Free Press, September 7, 2022
【理大圍城】5人尖沙咀暴動 判監37至48個月 官指另一法官處理相同事件過於寬大 ([Poly-U Siege] 5 sentenced to 37–48 months in prison for rioting in Tsim Sha Tsui; judge accuses another judge of being too lenient in handling the same matter)
inmediahk.net, September 7, 2022
港大宿生會遭禁用校園設施 校媒引消息指因名稱含「港大學生會」字眼 (HKU dormitory student union banned from campus facilities because its name contains the words “HKU student union”)
inmediahk.net, September 7, 2022