不再政治冷漠:全球上百所高校留学生张贴海报反对习近平连任(No more political indifference: Chinese students at hundreds of colleges around the world put up posters against Xi Jinping’s getting a third term)
Voice of America, October 21, 2022
西藏色达县与炉霍县6名藏人被控“分裂国家”而遭判4至14年徒刑(6 Tibetans in Seda and Luhuo counties in Tibet are sentenced to 4 to 14 years in prison for "separatism")
Voice of Tibet, October 19, 2022
林明洁在服刑期间屡遭酷刑,盼见律师 望关注!(Rights activist Lin Mingjie is repeatedly tortured in prison, asks to see a lawyer)
Weiquanwang, October 21, 2022
在美留学生露脸声援"四通桥勇士" 中国警察找上家人(Chinese student in U.S. supports "Sitong Bridge Warrior”; his parents in Beijing are questioned by police)
Radio Free Asia, October 20, 2022