海报行动——四通桥抗议事件后,中国海外留学生在各种掣肘下发出回声 (In poster actions, overseas Chinese students, under various constraints, echo Sitong Bridge protest)
NGOCN, October 26, 2022
声援四通桥义士彭立发的浙江异议人士吴京圣恐已遭抓捕 (Zhejiang dissident Wu Jingsheng, who supports Sitong Bridge Man Peng Lifa, may have been arrested)
Weiquanwang, October 26, 2022
江西省九江市网络活跃人士王林安已被批捕 (Wang Lin’an, Jiangxi freedom of speech activist, is arrested)
Weiquanwang, October 24, 2022
Chinese dissidents, activists await release from house arrest, forced 'vacation'
Radio Free Asia, October 25, 2022
Hong Kong falls from top 20 in global rule of law Index
Hong Kong Free Press, October 26, 2022
Hong Kong national security police arrest man suspected of being involved in terrorist plots to bomb infrastructure, courts and set alight Covid test centres
South China Morning Post, October 25, 2022
支聯會拒交資料案 鄒幸彤庭上提「天安門屠殺」 控方指應用「六四事件」(In HK Alliance case of failing to provide information requested by police, judge agrees with prosecution on using term “June Fourth Incident” rather than “Tiananmen massacre” )
Ming Pao, October 26, 2022
【理大圍城】油麻地圍捕 3人認暴動囚45個月 官:示威者如熟練軍隊、迫警方後退(3 are sentenced to 45 months in prison after pleading guilty to rioting in Yau Ma Tei during PolyU siege; judge: Protesters are like skilled troops, forcing police to retreat)
Inmediahk, October 25, 2022
涉立法會「煲底」貼海報 27歲內地男涉煽動被捕(27-year-old mainlander is arrested for sedition for putting up posters in LegCo complex)
Ming Pao, October 25, 2022
隧道連儂牆外攜噴膠及手套 29歲文員認罪被判社會服務令 官:應分清楚法律界線(29-year-old clerk is sentenced to social service order after pleading guilty to carrying spray glue and gloves outside “Lennon wall” during 2019 protests)
Inmediahk, October 26, 2022
反修例截至8月底 1,631人遭判刑、18歲以下佔353人(As of end of August, 1,631—including 353 under 18—have been sentenced in Anti-ELAB-related cases)
Inmediahk, October 26, 2022