The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Access to Justice (司法公正)

709婚礼受阻 维权人士遭软禁 (Rights activists under house arrest for planning to wed on July 9, third anniversary of 709 Incident)
Radio Free Asia, July 3, 2018

無綫專訪「709事件」維權律師王宇 稱當局曾以其子要挾認罪 (Human rights lawyer arrested in 709 Incident was forced to plead guilty as authority threatened to destroy her son’s future)
Mingpao, July 2, 2018

李文足等709家屬計劃到多間看守所探望被捕維權人士 (709 lawyers’ family members visit detained rights lawyers and activists in jails)
Radio Television Hong Kong, July 3, 2018

中国律协章程加强党建:律师要跟党走 (All China Lawyers Association adds Party ideology into charter)
Radio Free Asia, July 2, 2018

Police detain dissident in China's Hunan on “orders from higher up”
曾撰文批评习近平而因言获罪 作家彭佩玉近日再度被抓
Radio Free Asia, July 3, 2018

Uyghur exile group leader’s mother died in Xinjiang detention center
Radio Free Asia, July 2, 2018

遭拆迁七旬老人坠楼身亡 警方认定自杀受质疑 (Elderly protester’s fall from local government building ruled as suicide by police, families disagree)
Radio Free Asia, July 3, 2018