《還願》風波裡,讓中國玩家們最恐懼其實是這件事 (Row over horror game “Devotion” is the true source of fear for China's players)
The Initium, February 26, 2019
Hit horror game ‘Devotion’ sparks heated debate on social media
TechNode, February 25, 2019
內地語文教材刪陳勝吳廣起義文章 微博稱「違規」刪除內容 出版社:免與歷史教材重覆 (Deletion of uprising against Qin rule from language textbooks: Netizens complain but publisher says “it's already in history books”)
Ming Pao, February 25, 2019
“Modern” religious tyranny: Return of village loudspeakers
Bitter Winter, February 24, 2019
The “bots” of Weibo: How fake automated Chinese social media accounts are being used as a Trojan horse for dissent
China Channel, February 22, 2019