最高法王林清认罪 崔永元失联 (Whistle blower judge Wang Linqing confesses, muckraking TV reporter Cui Yongyuan goes missing following court investigation)
Radio Free Asia, February 25, 2019
“戒网瘾死亡”案 家属很后悔 (18-year-old boy dies after being handcuffed and tortured in Internet addiction “school,” court sentences responsible personnel)
Legal Daily, February 25, 2019
北京一警察倒卖公民犯罪记录5万余条,获利32万被判4年 (Beijing police officer sentenced to 4 years in prison, fined RMB 320,000 for selling 50,000 citizens’ criminal records)
The Paper, February 25, 2019