The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Friday, May 29, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

China slams ‘senseless’ US move at UN over Hong Kong
Agence France-Presse, May 29, 2020

法新社:聯合國安理會擬閉門討論港區國安法 (RFI: UN Security Council to discuss National Security Law for Hong Kong in closed meeting)
Ming Pao, May 29, 2020

歐盟質疑港區國安法違中英聯合聲明及基本法 明言無意制裁中國 (EU raises concerns over National Security Law’s violation of the Joint Declaration and Basic Law; does not plan sanctions against China)
Ming Pao, May 29, 2020

【國安法壓港】德國外長發聲明 指德國歐盟一致認為 高度自治不可削弱 (German foreign minister on National Security Law for Hong Kong: Germany and EU unanimously agree China should not weaken the high-degree of autonomy status in Hong Kong)
The Stand News, May 29, 2020

【國安法壓港】彭定康發起國際聯署斥違《中英聯合聲明》 36 國 逾 700 名政要簽署 (More than 700 parliamentarians from 36 countries have signed the petition led by Chris Patten condemning China for violating the 1984 Joint Declaration)
The Stand News, May 29, 2020

台湾将启动“香港人道援助行动专案” (Taiwan to launch "Hong Kong Humanitarian Aid Action Project")
Financial Times, May 28, 2020

China threatens 'countermeasures' against UK over Hong Kong crisis
The Guardian, May 29, 2020

中聯辦:堅決反對美國粗暴干預香港事務造謠污蔑 (Liaison Office: Strongly oppose U.S. interference in Hong Kong affairs, rumor mongering and slandering)
Radio Television Hong Kong, May 29, 2020

Hong Kong protests: nearly 100 children among 396 arrested over national anthem and security law demonstrations
South China Morning Post, May 29, 2020

Hong Kong media tycoon vows to stay and 'fight' China, backs U.S. pressure
Reuters, May 29, 2020

中國公安部:全力指導支持港警止暴制亂、恢復秩序 (Ministry of Public Security: Will provide full support and guidance to Hong Kong Police to stop violence and restore order)
The Stand News, May 29, 2020

澳洲学生支持香港民运 被勒令停学 (University of Queensland suspends student for supporting Hong Kong democracy movement)
Deutsche Welle, May 29, 2020

Commentary (评论)

Do My Tweets Really Threaten China’s National Security?
The New York Times, May 29, 2020

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

U.S. bill to pressure China over Uighur rights goes to Trump for decision
Reuters, May 28, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

What to expect now US deems Hong Kong no longer autonomous
South China Morning Post, May 28, 2020

【打壓港台】政府再干預!商經局設專責小組「整頓」港台運作 涵蓋行政財政人事 (Government forms special task force to review RTHK's operations)
Apple Daily, May 28, 2020

港版國安法|詳解人大通過草案後安排 何時在港實施?如何立法? (Explainer on National Security Law next steps: Passage and implementation)
HK01, May 28, 2020

四國際法律組織憂港版國安法侵人權 促人大撤回草案 (4 international law organizations urge NPC to withdraw National Security Law for Hong Kong over human rights concerns)
CitizenNews, May 28, 2020

中國人大通過港版《國安法》,陸委會提「香港人道救援方案」預計1週內完成 (In response to the National Security Law for Hong Kong, Mainland Affairs Council to finish drafting the Hong Kong Humanitarian Rescue proposal next week)
The News Lens, May 28 ,2020

【國安法壓港】首間大學表態 樹仁:盼港府如實反映港人「不同意見」 制訂過程保障法治自由 (Shue Yan is first university in Hong Kong to urge SAR government to listen to the diverse opinions from Hong Kongers, protect rule of law during legislative process)
The Stand News, May 28, 2020

支聯會就六四晚會晤警方 李卓人:警無誠意協調 拒回應能否舉行 (Hong Kong Alliance meets police on June Fourth vigil; Lee Cheuk-Yan: Police decline to coordinate or say if vigil is allowed)
The Stand News, May 28, 2020

【國安法壓港】民間記者會:近 99% 人反對立法 七成半人指不影響抗爭決心 (Citizens' Press Conference: Nearly 99% oppose National Security Law, 75% say it has no effect on their resolve to continue the struggle)
The Stand News, May 28, 2020

【國安法壓港】英美澳加聯合聲明 促北京履行《中英聯合聲明》義務 (In joint statement on National Security Law for Hong Kong, US, UK, Canada, Australia urge Beijing to fulfill Joint Declaration obligations)
The Stand News, May 28, 2020

立法會二讀通過國歌法草案 (Draft National Anthem Bill passes the second reading at LegCo)
The Stand News, May 28, 2020

Pompeo Says Hong Kong No Longer Has Autonomy Under China

The New York Times, May 28, 2020

Commentary (评论)

China Approves Plan to Rein in Hong Kong, Defying Worldwide Outcry

The New York Times, May 28, 2020

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

英国通讯管理局裁定:中共大外宣CGTN数个节目不公正 考虑制裁 (British communications authority Ofcom considers sanction against Chinese state TV CGTN for biased contents)
Voice of America, May 27, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

冠状病毒:武汉疫情警报是怎样被捂死的 (COVID-19: How the warning of Wuhan epidemic was muzzled)
Radio France Internationale, May 27, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

China’s Virus Apps May Outlast the Outbreak, Stirring Privacy Fears

The New York Times, May 27, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong crisis: riot police flood city as China protests grow
The Guardian, May 27, 2020

U.S. Officially Declares That Hong Kong Is No Longer Autonomous
The Wall Street Journal, May 27, 2020

PRC National People’s Congress Proposal on Hong Kong National Security Legislation
U.S. Department of State, May 27, 2020

China expands scope of Hong Kong security legislation: Reports
Channel News Asia, May 27, 2020

國安法擬加字眼 規管行為「和活動」 有人代稱「加辣」 法政匯思:行為屬個人活動屬集體 (Draft National Security Law for Hong Kong broadens definition of punishable acts to include “activities”; Progressive Lawyers Group sees organizations as additional targets”)
Ming Pao, May 27, 2020

China’s Military Vows to Defend the Country’s Interests in Hong Kong

The New York Times, May 27, 2020

記協:中環今再發生多宗警方刻意阻礙記者採訪拍攝事件 (Hong Kong Journalists Association: Police deliberately obstructed journalists' normal activities in Central today)
Radio Television Hong Kong, May 27, 2020

六四遊行上訴遭駁回 警代表律師:難確保參加者不違反防疫要求 (Appeal for June Fourth march is rejected; police lawyer: it's difficult to enforce disease prevention rules), May 27, 2020

許樹昌:6月4日前沒有本地個案可取消限聚令 (David SC. Hui, disease prevention advisor to government: Gathering ban can be lifted if no new local cases by June 4)
HK01, May 27, 2020

Commentary (评论)

陳文敏:人大決定草案不符合基本法的五個理由 (Johannes Chan: Five reasons why the NPC draft decision does not comply with the Basic Law)
The Initium, May 27, 2020

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

“模范维族公民”陷15年牢狱 律师姐替失联弟喊冤 (Sister cries out against injustice done to "Model Uyghur citizen" now serving 15-year prison term,)
Deutsche Welle, May 26, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

国家网信办启动2020“清朗”专项行动,为期8个月 (Cyberspace Administration of China launches 8-month-long action campaign to promote a “clean and bright” online environment)
People's Daily, May 22, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

大律師公會就「港版國安法」聲明 (Hong Kong Bar Association statement on National Security Law for Hong Kong), May 25, 2020

Statement of the Hong Kong Bar Association on Proposal of National People's Congress to Enact National Security Law in Hong Kong
Hong Kong Bar Association, May 25, 2050

Onslaught of “Rule of Law” with Chinese Characteristics on Hong Kong
Human Rights in China, May 23, 2020

'I won’t allow this to be the end of Hong Kong': campaigner on his long fight for democracy
The Guardian, May 24, 2020

香港藝術文化工作者就「港版國安法」的聯署聲明 (Joint statement from Hong Kong arts and cultural workers on Hong Kong National Security Law), May 25, 2020

「港版國安法」人大表決前夕 香港市民遊行反對 港警催淚彈、水炮車驅趕 (Large protests in Hong Kong before National People's Congress votes on National Security Law for Hong Kong; police fire tears gas, water cannon at protesters)
The Initium, May 24, 2020

Hong Kong protests: mass action planned for Wednesday as city braces for anthem bill debate at Legco
South China Morning Post, May 26, 2020

【不斷更新】網民發動明包圍立法會 多間黃店響應罷市 (Continuous updates: Netizens call for surrounding LegCo on May 27, many Yellow Shops to go on strike in support)
The Stand News, May 26, 2020

China's Hong Kong law set to bar foreign judges from national security cases: sources
Reuters, May 26, 2020

China Plans to Send Teachers to Hong Kong to Give Guidance, Instruction in Schools
Radio Free Asia, May 26, 2020

Covid-19: Hong Kong health dep’t clarifies social distancing ‘group gatherings’ after police fine protesters
Hong Kong Free Press, May 26, 2020

China Deploys Propaganda Machine to Defend Move Against Hong Kong

The New York Times, May 25, 2020

香港特首称国安立法的宪制和法律基础稳固 中央决心坚定势在必行 (Chief Executive: National Security Law is constitutional with a firm legal foundation, the Central Government is determined and the situation requires it)
Reuters, May 25, 2020

【港版國安法說明全文】王晨:修例風波煽動反中反共 23條立法實際很困難 任何外國干預措施將採一切反制 (Full text of Wang Chen's explanation of National Security Law for Hong Kong: Anti-extradition protests are anti-China and anti-CPC; Article 23 legislation is stalled; countermeasures will be taken against any and all foreign interference)
CitizenNews, May 22, 2020

Commentary (评论)

‘I Am Just Hong Kong’: A City’s Fate in China’s Hands

The New York Times, May 26, 2020

What Happens to Hong Kong Now?

The New York Times, May 22, 2020

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

专访探访新疆的台湾人:我看见的美丽与哀愁 (Interview with Taiwan visitor in Xinjiang: I witnessed beauty and sadness)
Radio Free Asia, May 20, 2020

Citizen Participation (公民参与)

法律界人士促两会提案 保障肺炎康复者就业权 (Legal profession urges Two Congresses to introduce protection of right to employment of recovered COVID-19 patients)
Radio Free Asia, May 21, 2020

两会观察:政协开幕,当局加强维稳封口 维权人士坚持维权 (As CPPCC convenes annual congress, rights defenders undaunted as authorities tighten stability maintenance)
Voice of America, May 21, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

China to impose sweeping national security law in Hong Kong, bypassing city’s legislature
The Washington Post, May 21, 2020

Senators to Propose Bill Sanctioning Chinese Officials Over Hong Kong Security Law
The Wall Street Journal, May 21, 2020

人大將審議「香港國安法制」決定草案 據報授權常委會立法 納入《基本法》附件三直接在港實施 (National People's Congress to draft Hong Kong National Security Law, reportedly to be passed by the Standing Committee and inserted into Annex III of Basic Law)
The Stand News, May 21, 2020

【01獨家】「港版國安法」四要點曝光!嚴防分裂國家、恐怖活動等 (Hong Kong National Security Law to target 4 activities: subversion, secession, terrorism, and external interference)
HK01, May 21, 2020

防疫为由断三十载烛光 港澳同被禁悼六四 (In name of epidemic control, authorities force Hong Kong, Macau to suspend 30-year tradition of candlelight vigil to mark June Fourth)
Deutsche Welle, May 21, 2020

中国政协年会开幕,香港国家安全法成为多方幕后较力的议题 (Hong Kong ’s National Security Law to become a point of behind-the-scenes factional contest at CPPCC annual session)
Voice of America, May 21, 2020

Commentary (评论)

《基本法》 18 條才是大絕! (Basic Law Article 18 is China's ultimate weapon)
The Stand News, May 21, 2020

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

从再教育营到强迫劳动 至少29万维族人受牵连 (From re-education camps to forced labor, at least 290,000 Uyghurs have been affected)
Deutsche Welle, May 20, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

中国第一部民法典可能在严格的言论控制中面世 (China ’s first civil code may be introduced in climate of strict speech control)
Voice of America, May 20, 2020

陕西男子“翻墙”罚款五百元 舆论哗然党媒也抨击 (Even state-control media joins public outcry over Shaanxi man being fined RMB 500 for using VPN)
Radio Free Asia, May 20, 2020

采购外国网络产品需符合国家安全 新规进一步限制民众自由 (New regulations requiring compliance of foreign network products with national security further restrict freedom of consumers)
Radio Free Asia, May 20, 2020

Taiwan (台湾)

Taiwan inauguration: Pres. Tsai Ing-wen pledges to expand int’l presence; rejects One Country, Two Systems
Hong Kong Free Press, May 20, 2020

How would mainland China attack Taiwan? A video outlines one scenario
South China Morning Post, May 20, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Organiser of Tiananmen vigil in Hong Kong urges would-be participants to adopt protesters’ ‘be water’ strategy if event is banned
South China Morning Post, May 20, 2020

Legal expert's new role tied to Article 23
The Standard, May 20, 2020

記協關注政治諷刺節目因受到政治壓力而面臨停播 (Hong Kong Journalists Association expresses concern over the suspension of political satire program under political pressure)
Radio Television Hong Kong, May 19, 2020

六四展覽主題結合「反送中」 盼年輕人認識社運傳承 共同向專制政權說不 (June Fourth exhibition incorporates anti-extradition protest movement; organizer urges the younger generation to recognize social movement continuity and unite in saying “no” to authoritarian rule)
The Stand News, May 20, 2020

Commentary (评论)

【記者發牌.深度】失卻「傳媒專業」 談何以「記者」作為志業 (Why I chose journalism as my profession)
HK01, May 20, 2020

中西对抗能倒逼中国重新开放吗 (Can the confrontation between China and the West force China to reopen?)
The New York Times, May 20, 2020

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

北京“两会”高瑜被禁言 “六四”异议人士被软禁 (On eve of Two Congresses, veteran journalist Gao Yu is prevented from speaking out as individuals linked to June Fourth are put under house arrest)
Radio Free Asia, May 19, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

世卫成员国达成一致 对疫情进行独立调查 (World Health Assembly passes resolution to establish origins of covid-19)
Deutsche Welle, May 19, 2020

疫情大外宣不小心露了马脚 (Truth inadvertently exposed by epidemic propaganda)
Radio Free Asia, May 18, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong public broadcaster suspends satirical show hours after gov’t demands apology for ‘insulting’ police
Hong Kong Free Press, May 19, 2020

Coronavirus: Hong Kong extends social distancing rules to June 4, threatening annual Tiananmen Massacre vigil
Hong Kong Free Press, May 19, 2020

History exam row: Hong Kong’s Carrie Lam dismisses claims of political intervention, appears to misquote Mandela
Hong Kong Free Press, May 19, 2020

Hong Kong student group vows to challenge gov’t plan to scrap ‘biased’ history exam question
Hong Kong Free Press, May 19, 2020

China’s Hong Kong chief steps down from top political advisory post
South China Morning Post, May 19, 2020

六四晚會未獲批 李卓人斥林鄭「趁疫打劫」 倡遍地開花悼念 (Gov’t denies permission for June Fourth vigil; Lee Cheuk- yan urges small group gatherings, accuses Carrie Lam of using pandemic as excuse), May 19, 2020

回應內會事件 林鄭:做法恰當不必向公眾道歉 否認急於讓國歌法通過 (Carrie Lam defends guards dragging Legco members out of House Committee session: No need to apology for what's done appropriately; denies rushing to pass the National Anthem Law)
The Stand News, May 19, 2020

港區人大陳曼琪兩會提案 人大訂香港國家安全法 不經立法會直接實施 (Maggie Chan, Hong Kong’s delegate to NPC, proposes passage of Hong Kong security legislation by NPC, bypassing Legco review process)
The Stand News, May 19, 2020

Commentary (评论)

南非断线助功习近平第一发言 世卫沦“孔子学院”?(Did South Africa help Xi Jinping become the first speaker at WHA? Has WHO become a Confucius Institute "Confucius Institute"?)
Radio Free Asia, May 19, 2020

Monday, May 18, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

China’s Muslims Forced to Eat Pork During Ramadan
Bitter Winter, May 16, 2020

Two Congresses (两会)

兩會前夕北京嚴陣以待 高瑜被警告要求停發 Twitter (Beijing tightens control on eve of Two Congresses; Gao Yu warned to stop tweeting)
The Stand News, May 18, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

北京当局承认曾下令销毁新冠疫情病毒样本 (Beijing authorities admit to having ordered the destruction of new coronavirus samples)
Voice of America, May 16, 2020

武汉50万人曾感染?新闻迅速“被消失” (Has Wuhan had 500,000 cases of COVID-19 infection? News was swiftly "disappeared")
Deutsche Welle, May 18, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

北京面临外交孤立 世卫110多成员国支持调查新冠疫情起源 (Beijing faces diplomatic isolation as more than 110 WHO members support investigation of COVID-19 origin)
Voice of America, May 18, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong activists back in court amid more legislative chaos
The Guardian, May 18, 2020

Anthem law: Hong Kong pro-Beijing lawmaker elected committee chair as democrats carried out by security
Hong Kong Free Press, May 18, 2020

「限聚令」擬延長至6月4日 李卓人:支聯會正研究可行方式悼念 (As ban on gathering is expected to extend through June 4, Lee Cheuk-yan says Hong Kong Alliance is exploring options to commemorate)
HK01, May 18, 2020

拒同流早辭監警會國際專家組 Clifford Stott 預告自行分析反送中運動 6 月 9 日或之前出報告 (Clifford Stott, former member of international experts panel on IPCC , to publish scientific analysis on anti-extradition protests with data released by IPCC on or before June 9, 2019)
The Stand News, May 17, 2020

兩會有人擬提案討論23條立法 何柱國指有些事必須做 (Hong Kong businessman and CPPCC delegate Charles Ho Tsu-kwok: There are plans to introduce Article 23 legislation during Two Congresses for passage before next CE election)
Radio Television Hong Kong, May 17, 2020

Commentary (评论)

Hong Kong should drop criminal prosecution of 15 pro-democracy activists
Hong Kong Free Press, May 17, 2020

‘Wuhan Diary’ Offers an Angry and Eerie View From Inside Quarantine

The New York Times, May 18, 2020

Friday, May 15, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

US Senate passes Uygur Human Rights Policy Act
South China Morning Post, May 15, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

澳大利亚面对中国贸易反制不退缩 坚持国际调查新冠病毒来源 (Australia to pursue international investigation into origin of COVID-19 despite trade retaliation from China)
Voice of America, May 15, 2020

美国要求中国释放达赖喇嘛选定的班禅喇嘛 (U.S. urges China to release Panchen Lama, designated by the Dalai Lama)
Voice of America, May 15, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

TikTok被指控违反美国儿童隐私法规(TikTok accused of breaching U.S. child privacy regulations)
The Financial Times, May 15, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Anger as Hong Kong watchdog clears police over protest response
The Guardian, May 15, 2020

A Thematic Study by the IPCC
Independent Police Complaints Council, May 15, 2020

Hong Kong legislature pres. replaces democrat with pro-Beijing lawmaker as committee head after filibustering row
Hong Kong Free Press, May 15, 2020

【4.18大圍捕】泛民15人下周一提堂 長毛李卓人等5人將被加控煽惑罪 案件轉介區院審理 ( District Court hearing of 15 arrested democratic figures to begin Monday; Leung Kwok-Hung, Martin Lee and 5 others to face additional charge of “incitement”)
Apple Daily, May 15, 2020

6.12 衝突 反修例運動首名示威者承認暴動罪 22 歲救生員判囚 4 年 (First protester charged with rioting is sentenced to 4 years’ imprisonment )
The Stand News, May 15, 2020

香港必须建立与“一国两制”相适应的新教育体制 (Xinhua: Hong Kong must establish new education system conforming to "one country, two systems" framework)
Xinhua, May 15, 2020

大律師公會函曾國衞促解釋兩辦角色 (Hong Kong Bar Association urges Secretary of Constitutional and Mainland Affairs to explain the status and functions of the Liaison Office)
Ming Pao, May 15, 2020

Letter to Mr Tsang Kwok Wai Erick, the Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs on the Status and Functions of the China Liaison Office (“LOCPG”)
Hong Kong Bar Association, May 15, 2020

Commentary (评论)

Daniel Dae Kim on ‘Asian-Americans’: Ugly History, Relevant Again

The New York Times, May 15, 2020

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

曾聲援香港反送中 湖南維權人士謝文飛月初被捕 家人被要求取消律師委托 (Family of Hunan activist, Xie Wenfei, detained for expressing support for Hong Kong, is forced to dismiss his lawyer)
The Stand News, May 14, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

美中媒体战升级 驻华记者惜别中国 (As U.S.-China press war escalates, foreign reporters bid farewell to China)
Radio Free Asia, May 13, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

中国疫苗受害儿童家长致函“两会” 呼吁吸取假疫苗历史教训 (In letter, parents of children victims of fake vaccines urge Two Congresses to heed history’s lesson)
Voice of America, May 14, 2020

China ramping up bullying and intimidation of activists in Canada, report says
The Globe and Mail, May 12, 2020

Human rights defenders increasingly face threats, intimidation over China advocacy: report
Amnesty International Canada, May 12, 2020

中共喉舌环时称北京考虑反制美国就新冠疫情灾难求偿行动 (State-controlled Global Times says Beijing is considering retaliatory measures against U.S. actions to seek compensation for the COVID-19 disaster)
Voice of America, May 14, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Police Officer Pepper Sprays Journalist Amid Renewed Hong Kong Protests
Radio Free Asia, May 13, 2020

As the journalist visa war between the US and China continues, Hong Kong is caught in the middle
Hong Kong Free Press, May 14, 2020

Hong Kong Law Society chief defends controversial decision to back certain candidates in polarised governing council election
South China Morning Post, May 14, 2020

監警會明發表反修例活動及警方行動專題審視報告 (Independent Police Complaints Council to release review report on anti-extradition law protests and police operations)
Radio Television Hong Kong, May 14, 2020

Commentary (评论)

China’s ‘OK Boomer’: Generations Clash Over the Nation’s Future

The New York Times, May 14, 2020

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

June Frouth (六四)

維園六四晚會或因疫情無法舉行 (Victoria Park June Fourth vigil may be canceled this year due to COVID-19)
Ming Pao, May 13, 2020

澳門「六四圖片展」30年來首被禁,民聯會區錦新:當局找到限制活動的理由 (Macao bans June Fourth exhibition for the first time in 30 years; member of Democracy Union slams authorities for using excuses)
The Initium, May 13, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

固体饮料充奶粉致婴儿头骨变形 湖南再现大头娃娃当局称调查 (Beverage powder added to formula seen as cause of infant skull deformity, Hunan authorities announce investigation)
Radio Free Asia, May 13, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

王全璋拟推翻“颠覆国家政权”裁决 (Lawyer Wang Quanzhang to challenge "subversion of state power" verdict)
Radio Free Asia, May 13, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Appeal court tackles Legco immunity as Hong Kong prosecutors renew push to try ousted lawmaker for disturbance
South China Morning Post, May 12, 2020

Hong Kong police ‘systematically infringed’ human rights of protest arrestees, local group argues in report destined for UN
South China Morning Post, May 13, 2020

Hong Kong police chief tried to discredit me, says girl who accused officers of gang rape
South China Morning Post, May 13, 2020

【4.18 大搜捕】聯合國人權辦事處 促港府撤控李柱銘、吳靄儀等 15 人 (Statement by UN High Commissioner’s Office urges dismissal of charges against 15 democratic figures)
The Stand News, May 13, 2020

Hong Kong urged not to silence peaceful protest with criminal charges
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, May 13, 2020

郭卓堅提司法覆核稱駱惠寧違《基本法》22條 高院拒受理 (High Court rejects request for judicial review of violation of Basic Law Article 22 by LOCPG director)
Ming Pao, May 13, 2020

教育局9月收回教育電視中心 港台:逾90員工受影響,需更多時間遷出 (Education Bureau to take back Education Television's operation by September; RTHK: more time is needed to relocate more than 90 affected employees)
CitizenNews, May 13, 2020

Commentary (评论)

Mother’s Day protests: The world cannot let China’s actions in Hong Kong go unnoticed
Hong Kong Free Press, May 13, 2020

「兩辦聲明」違背了國務院確立中聯辦的初衷──中聯辦奪權系列(中篇)(Statements of HKMAO and LOCPG contravene Article 22's original intent: On Liaison Office's Hong Kong takeover, Part 2)
CitizenNews, May 13, 2020

疫情之下大行其道的中国“战狼”外交会不会成为新常态 (Will China's "wolf warrior" diplomacy under COVID-19 pandemic become the new normal?)
Radio Free Asia, May 13, 2020

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

汶川大地震十二周年 强力监控下民间续悼念寻真相 (Under strict monitoring, people continue to mourn and seek truth at 12th anniversary of Wenchuan earthquake)
Radio Free Asia, May 12, 2020

美17个州检察长要求国会就新冠疫情问责中国 (In joint letter, attorneys general of 17 states urge Congressional hearing on China’s responsibility for COVID-19 epidemic)
Voice of America, May 12, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong gov’t pushes legislature to prioritise bill criminalising mockery of the Chinese national anthem
Hong Kong Free Press, May 12, 2020

Hong Kong police detention of 12-year-old reporter sparks press freedom debate, as gov’t warns youngsters to avoid protests
Hong Kong Free Press, May 12, 2020

Hong Kong police chief admits ‘undesirable’ treatment of press at protest
Hong Kong Free Press, May 12, 2020

New internal integrity office will monitor Hong Kong police conduct, chief says following spate of arrests
South China Morning Post, May 12, 2020

慈雲山有人聚集唱歌 警員多次入商場驅散 (Police use force and pepper spray to disperse singing gathering in Tsz Wan Shan Shopping Centre)
Now News, May 12, 2020

Commentary (评论)

消滅「六四」,比想像中近 (June Fourth’s erasure is happening faster than you think)
The Stand News, May 12, 2020

「兩辦聲明」違背了《基本法》22條的初衷——中聯辦奪權系列(上篇) (Statements of HKMAO and LOCPG contravene Article 22's original intent: On Liaison Office's Hong Kong takeover, Part 1)
CitizenNews, May 10, 2020

中国驻外使节为何成为“战狼”大使?(2): 喝狼奶长大 (Why have Chinese diplomats become "wolf warriors" abroad (Part 2): Growing up drinking wolf’s milk)
Voice of America, May 12, 2020

三十年来头一遭 澳门禁了天安门 (Macau bans June Fourth observance for the first time in 30 years)
Deutsche Welle, May 12, 2020

Monday, May 11, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

新疆维吾尔人参加美国国务院项目回国后遭拘禁(Sister Fights to Free Uighur Businessman Held in China After U.S. Trip)
The New York Times, May 11, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

China releases five prominent labour rights activists
Reuters, May 9, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

China warns of countermeasures to new US rules against Chinese journalists
Channel News Asia, May 11, 2020

台湾中原大学副教授课堂因武汉肺炎与中华民国两词被迫两度向大陆留学生道歉 (Associate professor at Taiwan’s Chung Yuan Christian University was forced to apologize twice to mainland Chinese students for using “Wuhan pneumonia” and “Republic of China” in lectures)
Radio France Internationale, May 11, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam’s warning to schools over teaching of ‘fallacious arguments’ draws fire from union
South China Morning Post, May 12, 2020

Carrie Lam blames Hong Kong education system for fuelling protests
The Guardian, May 11, 2020

Hong Kong paramedics found suspect was not breathing and had no pulse in police vehicle, department reveals
South China Morning Post, May 11, 2020

230 arrests and pepper spray in Mong Kok, as Hong Kong lawmaker injured during arrest and journalist ‘choked’
Hong Kong Free Press, May 11, 2020

七大傳媒工會聯署抗議:警隊一再踐踏採訪自由 (Statements from 7 press unions: Hong Kong police trample on press freedom again), May 11, 2020

一個香港兩種母親節:反送中「大集結」遭鎮壓、林鄭臉書貼文曬包包 (Two different Mother’s Days in Hong Kong: Police crackdown on democratic protests as Carrie Lam displays luxury handbag from sons on Facebook)
The News Lens, May 11, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

国际疫情追责升级 意大利要求赔偿 (Italy seeks compensations as calls for accountability for COVID-19 pandemic mount)
Radio Free Asia, May 8, 2020

Commentary (评论)

全面管治之後,香港人再次面對「三年零八個月」 (Hong Kongers should prepare for a Japanese-occupation style authoritarian government after China takes full control)
The News Lens, May 11, 2020

中国多所大学取消外籍学生入学试 吸引外国学生来华接受洗脑 (Many universities in China cancel foreign students entrance exams, in effort to attract foreign students to come for brainwashing?)
Radio Free Asia, May 11, 2020

Friday, May 08, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

新疆伊斯兰斋月土政策 穆斯林饭桌子须与汉人相同 (Ramadan policy in Xinjiang: Muslims’ dining table must be same as Hans’)
Radio Free Asia, May 8, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

A son’s plan to build a memorial to his father and Wuhan’s coronavirus victims has come to an abrupt end
Quartz, May 7, 2020

Citizen Participation (公民参与)

废除中共高干待遇终身制话题此刻被重提 (Discussion of abolishing life tenure of senior CPC officials resurfaces)
Radio France Internationale, May 8, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

We Chat, They Watch: How International Users Unwittingly Build up WeChat’s Chinese Censorship Apparatus
Citizen Lab, May 7, 2020

China’s military is tied to new cyberattack tool

The New York Times, May 8, 2020

海外微信监控 加拿大报告提下架 (Author of report on WeChat monitoring overseas users recommends removal of app from Google, Apple stores)
Radio France Internationale, May 8, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong parliament in chaos as politicians fight for chair
The Guardian, May 8, 2020

香港立法會內會風波:李慧琼登主席台重開會議,民主派議員被逐 (Storm in LegCo Committee: Starry Lee Wai-king restarts session by taking over the chair, and expels democratic members)
The Initium, May 8, 2020

Hong Kong police arrest 10 people after fight broke out at a Lennon Wall over political differences
South China Morning Post, May 8, 2020

【和你sing】ifc百人聚集 逾100警入商場驅散 記者中胡椒噴劑 (Hundreds of police storm into Central's shopping mall, disperse protesters and pepper spray journalists)
HK01, May 8, 2020

【抗暴之戰】18警鎮壓反送中示威獲「指揮官嘉獎」 8.25荃灣鳴槍警被讚「英勇」 (18 police officers receive Commander's Commendation Award for courageous performance in quelling riots, Tsuen Wan police officer who fired gun shot praised for leadership, courage, resilience, and devotion to duty)
Apple Daily, May 8, 2020

Commentary (评论)

高度發達的公民社會VS滯後的管治意識和「國王的新衣」 (Mature civil society verses stale management ideology, and the emperor's new clothes)
CitizenNews, May 8, 2020

Thursday, May 07, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

“人质外交”?维族学者消失三年后突现身 (“Hostage diplomacy"? Uyghur scholar reappears after being missing for three years)
Deutsche Welle, May 7, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

上海杨浦区法院原院长任湧飞被双开:充当黑恶势力保护伞 (Former head of Shanghai Yangpu District Court is fired and stripped of Party membership for shielding criminal elements)
Beijing News, May 7, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

Coronavirus may have jumped to humans as early as October, study says
South China Morning Post, May 7, 2020

欧盟:中国日报删除欧洲27国大使联名文章部分内容令人遗憾 (EU: China Daily deletes part of joint article by 27 European ambassadors, “EU-China ties vital amid global crisis”)
Voice of America, May 7, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

新冠维权路漫漫,逝者家属受监控威胁 (COVID-19 rights protection arduous, family members of deceased under threat of surveillance)
Radio Free Asia, May 6, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

Hong Kong’s mass arrests are giving police crucial intelligence: people’s phones
Quartz, May 6, 2020

WeChat's surveillance of international users boosts censorship in China, researchers say
CBC News, May 7, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Mike Pompeo says US report assessing Hong Kong autonomy to be delayed until after Chinese legislative session; maintains coronavirus claims
South China Morning Post, May 7, 2020

北京逼香港法官表态“用实际行动”严惩黎智英等 (Beijing openly asks Hong Kong court to "use practical actions" to severely punish media tycoon Jimmy Lai and others)
Radio France Internationale, May 7, 2020

Hong Kong gov’t slams pro-democracy district councillors for protesting meeting cancellation
Hong Kong Free Press, May 7, 2020

立法會審議民主派提出削減警隊開支及官員薪酬等修正案 (Democratic LegCo members propose reducing police budget and government officials' salaries)
Radio Television Hong Kong, May 7, 2020

Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

只求「死也瞑目」的黃琦母親 (Mother of imprisoned June Fourth activist Huang Qi asks government to allow visit with her son before illness takes her away)
The Stand News, May 6, 2020

Grant a Dying Mother’s Wish
Chinese Human Rights Defenders, May 6, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

Coronavirus Survivors Want Answers, and China Is Silencing Them

The New York Times, May 6, 2020

回声报:国际社会要求调查新冠病毒源的呼声高涨 (International calls for investigations into the source of COVID-19 mount)
Radio France Internationale, May 6, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

杀人嫌疑逃亡24年 却去自首 民众忧“健康码”如电子手铐 (Lack of “health code” forced murder suspect to turn himself in after 24 years on the run)
Radio Free Asia, May 6, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

China calls Hong Kong protesters a 'political virus'
The Guardian, May 6, 2020

Hong Kong prisons need independent monitor, say activists, as ex-detainees allege abuse
Hong Kong Free Press, May 6, 2020

發稿讚「再出發大聯盟」 港澳辦籲除「黑暴」「攬炒」 促公權力機構和人士行動 (In statement, HKMAO praises new pro-Beijing group Hong Kong Coalition, urges public power organizations and figures to eradicate “black violence” and end “mutual destruction”)
The Stand News, May 6, 2020

国务院港澳办新闻发言人:“黑暴”一日不除,香港一日不宁 (Spokesperson of HKMAO: No peace in Hong Kong until “black violence” is eradicated)
Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, May 6, 2020

天水圍和你Sing 防暴警持槍入商場驅散發「限聚令」告票 (Armed riot police disperse protesters in Tin Shui Wai shopping mall, issue tickets for social gathering ban violations)
Ming Pao, May 6, 2020

Commentary (评论)

讀者來函:「一國兩制」到了最危險的時候? (Readers' mail: Is “one country, two systems” facing its most critical moment?)
The Initium, May 6, 2020

憲法未曾適用大陸 何以適用香港 (Constitution has never been applicable in China, how could it be applicable in Hong Kong?)
Ming Pao, May 6, 2020

香港民主党创党主席李柱铭专访:“新的一国两制”在破坏邓小平当年的承诺 (Interview with Martin Lee, founding chair of Hong Kong’s Democratic Party: The "new one country, two systems" is undermining Deng Xiaoping's promise)
British Broadcasting Corporation, May 6, 2020

Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

武汉病毒所移除照片 英国防大臣:中国要回答疑点 (UK defense minster: China must account for why Wuhan Virology Lab removed photos, info from its website)
Radio Free Asia, May 4, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

简报:中国压制国内疫情追责言论;全球发力新冠疫苗 (Bulletin: China suppresses domestic speech seeking accountability for COVID-19 outbreak; global efforts to develop vaccine)
The New York Times, May 5, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong police chief accuses Apple Daily of running target campaign against him, reveals the newspaper is being investigated for alleged fraud
South China Morning Post, May 5, 2020

Former Hong Kong leaders draft in city’s wealthiest tycoons, university presidents and other top public figures for coalition bid to revive city
South China Morning Post, May 5, 2020

Media tycoon Jimmy Lai not allowed to leave Hong Kong as part of his bail condition related to intimidation case at 2017 vigil
South China Morning Post, May 5, 2020

林鄭月娥:內會恢復運作後會優先處理國歌法 (Carrie Lam: LegCo House Committee to prioritize second reading of the National Anthem Bill after resuming session)
Now News, May 5, 2020

Hong Kong’s Carrie Lam backs move to let pro-Beijing lawmaker oversee committee and get anthem law passed
Hong Kong Free Press, May 5, 2020

8.31案提堂 遭控方突加保釋條件 李卓人轟「政治決定」 (Labour activist Lee Cheuk-yan slams prosecutor’s adding multiple bail conditions near end of 8.31 protest hearing as “political decisions”), May 5, 2020

有網民發起屯門市廣場「和你唱」 防暴警到場戒備 (Protesters return to Tun Mun Town Plaza, riot police on guard)
Radio Television Hong Kong, May 5, 2020

Commentary (评论)

限聚令,警察政府怎捨得放手 (Social gathering ban—too good a weapon for police and government not to use), May 5, 2020

Lord Alton: UK must impose sanctions on Hong Kong officials for human rights violations
Hong Kong Free Press, May 5, 2020

專訪傅華伶x陳文敏:應對國家安全,我們想要怎樣的香港?(Interview with Fu Hualing, Johannes Chan: In response to national security, what kind of Hong Kong do we want?)
Initium, May 4, 2020

瑞幸、全球化与五四精神 (Luckin Coffee, globalization, and the May 4 spirit)
Caixin, May 4, 2020

Monday, May 04, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

新疆大學師生被迫「亮劍」 宣誓效忠政府 抵制美《維吾爾人權法案》 (Uyghur students and teachers in Xinjiang universities are forced to vow allegiance to central government, criticize the Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act)
The Stand News, May 2, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

Coronavirus Survivors Want Answers, and China Is Silencing Them
New York Times, May 4, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

DHS report: China hid virus’ severity to hoard supplies
Associated Press, May 4, 2020

澳大学生遭开除威胁 全因他公开批判中国的人权迫害 (Australian university student faces expulsion for publicly criticizing China's human rights abuses)
Deutsche Welle, May 4, 2020

Deutsche Welle Freedom of Speech Award: 17 laureates from 14 countries
Deutsche Welle, May 3, 2020

HRIC Note: Chinese citizen journalists Chen Qiushi, Fang Bin, and Li Zehua, who were disappeared by the authorities for documenting Wuhan’s COVID-19 epidemic, are among the recipients.

Government Accountability (政府问责)

Exclusive: Internal Chinese report warns Beijing faces Tiananmen-like global backlash over virus – sources
Reuters, May 4, 2020

美國會跨黨去信特朗普 要求正視中國言論審查 促北京釋放被囚記者 (In letter, cochairs of bipartisan U.S. congressional commission on China urge President Trump to advocate for detained journalists in China)
The Stand News, May 3, 2020

World Press Freedom Day: Chairs Ask POTUS to Advocate for Detained Journalists
Congressional-Executive Commission on China, May 1, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Beijing loyalist urges Hong Kong to pass national security law by next August
Hong Kong Free Press, May 5, 2020

Hong Kong lawmaker Starry Lee to take leadership of ‘urgent’ matters at legislative committee amid row over chair
Hong Kong Free Press, May 1, 2020

壁屋懲教職員被指酷刑虐打抗爭者 有人稱遭撼頭埋牆、唱《榮光》被掌摑 (Pik Uk Correctional Institution officer is accused of torturing protesters, smashing their head against wall, and slapping those who sing "Glory to Hong Kong")
The Stand News, May 4, 2020

連續兩日發稿評香港政局 中聯辦斥「西方反華政客」干涉港事務、抹黑一國兩制 (In 2 statements over 2 days, LOCPG condemns "Western anti-China politicians" for interfering in Hong Kong’s affairs, defaming "One country, two systems")
The Stand News, May 3, 2020

香港中联办发言人强烈谴责西方反华政客和组织干预香港事务 (LOCPG spokesperson strongly condemns anti-China politicians and organizations interfering HKSAR affairs)
Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong S.A.R, May 3, 2020

香港中联办发言人:严厉谴责极端激进分子无视民生疾苦再启“暴力揽炒” (LOCPG spokesperson: Harshly condemn the extremist radical elements relaunching violent mutual destructive protests, ignoring the great sufferings of the people)
Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong S.A.R, May 2, 2020

【反送中一周年】多個團體擬五、六、七月發起遊行集會 籲港人毋忘初衷 (Civil society groups plan rallies in May, June, July; urge Hong Kongers not to give up the struggle)
The Stand News, May 2, 2020

Friday, May 01, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

Chinese Authorities Threaten COVID-19 Victims & Families Seeking Compensation
Chinese Human Rights Defenders, April 30, 2020

湖南民运人士谢文飞被捕 疑涉武汉疫情 (Hunan democracy activist Xie Wenfei detained, possibly in connection with speech on COVID-19)
Radio Free Asia, May 1, 2020

国际特赦发紧急呼吁 关注李翘楚 (Amnesty International issues emergency appeal on case of Li Qiaochu, in custody in connection with “12.26” case)
Radio Free Asia, April 30, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

美国务院批中国封杀推特 却翻墙传播虚假讯息 (U.S. State Department slams China for blocking Twitter while actively using it to spread false information)
Voice of America, May 1, 2020

文革阴魂传新刮 多间大学恶启调查 罪挺方方连带扒底反送中 (In resurgence of Cultural Revolution tactics, academics in universities are investigated/sanctioned for supporting Wuhan diary author Fang Fang)
Radio France Internationale, May 1, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

世卫疑初大甩锅 驻华代表指中国多次拒世卫查新冠病毒来源 世卫估源头在武汉 (WHO suspected Wuhan as source of COVID-19 but its requests to investigate were repeatedly denied by China)
Radio France Internationale, May 1, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Anti-government protests return to Hong Kong on Labour Day as police pepper spray crowd
South China Morning Post, May 1, 2020

Riot police fan out but Hongkongers eschew May Day rallies
AFP, May 1, 2020

Labour Party vice-chair arrested during failed march
Radio Television Hong Kong, May 1, 2020

五一黃金周|5時01分多區齊喊五大訴求 發起人:賦予節日新意義 (Organizer of "Five demands, not one less" chanting campaign at 5:01PM in many neighborhoods says the action gives May Day a whole new meaning)
HK01, May 1, 2020

港府再發聲明:「兩辦」有權責關注香港 依法拘控民主派 外國官員政客言論不負責任 (Hong Kong government: HKMAO and LOCPG have supervisory power over Hong Kong, arrests of pan-democrats are legal, foreign politicians' allegations are “irresponsible”)
The Stand News, May 1, 2020

HKSAR Government strongly refutes foreign politicians' recent remarks on Hong Kong
The Government of Hong Kong SAR, May 1, 2020